Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A poem. =)

I dont have a topic but this is something that I wrote a while ago...<3

Men who mentally molested,
grabbed weak, then unchained
rough housed fears,
Detached soul
replace with lust
extinct desire
romance declared
strangers disasters,
they came
but I was destroyed
spiritually dead
thank you for shredding humblenss
tattering with intelligence
raking and takin defenses
momentarily allowing foreign bodies into my capabilities
they all wanted to sompete for the chance to complete me.

satan sent you to defeat
lost battle wipe residues of
sin off into the wind..
went to seek cover
and there I discovered with
God all wounds reversed so are
generationally curesed tendencies
lustbombs..timed explosions..
men were my sickness
Thank God
Jesus the antidote
the universal cure for deathly poison...<3

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Love....A little Christian girls point of view...

Over the past couple of days,
Ive come to notcie that Ive been having some kind of mixed emotions about being in love.

There is this desire that I have to be in a relationship,
but then again...
I think boys have cooties. -__-

my last blog was about sex. So this is about Love.
Ill be short.

In order to understand how a man can love you.
You must understand how Jesus loves you.
He gave up his life for you, took our place on that cross.
He was slapped, beaten, spat upon and all sorts of fowl things...
but he still did not grow weary because he LOVES us...
for who we are.
What we did.. He knew we were going to mess up..
and he loved us so much that he died for us.

Or how about... God,
giving up his only son.
Turned his back so that his son could be humilitated and beat until he couldnt be reconginized.
but we... unfaithful by nature...
dont even half the time give Jesus the time of the day..
when he clearly gave you his life.

Thats true love. He never bragged or boasted. He was patient while they nailed him. He endured. For us. It was an unconditional.

So when men approach me. I automatically have a standard..even though I know no ONE could ever do what Jesus did our love me like he did... I still compare.

Because if that man cant understand the value and the magnitude of Jesus
then he doesnt know love. He only knows the love he was taught in this world.
That is why alot of people cant be faithful. How you can be faithful to a person when
you cant even be faithful to the man who was sent here to save you from everlasting damnation.

So when the time comes.. for whatever man is meant for me to be here. I have to learn to love him.
without him even being physically in my life. Ill have to accept him flaws and all.
Its a process to love jesus you know.. because we arent like him... he is perfect...
Maybe im just rambling...

This is the point though.
perfect love casts out all fear. God did not give us the spirit of fear. So women have to learn that when you are in the world you are subject to any kind of emotion and fear of being hurt. Especially if its in your relationship pattern, but when you learn.. to trust Jesus... and when you learn and FEEL the perfect he love he has for you will cast out every doubt and every fear. Jesus wont harm you.. he wont lie to you.. He is just the epitome of what every husband should be. *sigh* Im clearly rambling... but I hope you all catch the drift.

We all dream of love and being married, but we just have to be patient. i say we..because I would like you all to know I'm not perfect far from it. I get impatient too, but at the end of the day God will bless us with someone who can provide the same love that Jesus did we he gave up his life on cavalry.

...but until then..
boys still have cooties.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Soul Ties

Celibacy:: True Love Waits...

I found something meaningful today to talk about.. Its been on my mind alllll week, and Im sure this will stir some people up. Lets talk about sex! WOOT! LOL


noun \ˈse-lə-bə-sē\

Definition of CELIBACY

: the state of not being married
a : abstention from sexual intercourse b : abstention by vow from marriage 
 mhmmm. Something that ALOT of us have struggled with. Including myself, but Ive come to realize that.. sex is not over rated. Not at all. But I do realize WHY God intended on us to be married to have sex.
Now, I know that being saved a lot of people wont touch on sex and all the things that come with it. They just frown on it and tell you that its a sin and your going to hell. I wont do that because I know that's probably one of the reasons I had the "i don't care you church people don't know what it is I'm going through" attitude about sex for so long.

Soul ties. Are something that were intended to bring a husband and wife together. NOT two random people who "care" about each other. Think about it like this. When you have sex you are entering into another persons body. "Becoming one" Sex is so much more than a physical act... it is so much deeper, and I hope that by reading this I can get a little spark going in your head to think about it in the correct manner.

Like I was saying becoming one...creates a tie, or a bond, because you have shared yourself in an intimate manner with whomever it is that your laying down with. That is hurts so much when you break up with anyone you have been intimate with or why you just cant leave them alone...ETC. Because there was a bond made between you two in the spirit realm... So here comes the emotions.. the crying the arguing...the depression. Since you are not one with that person anymore.. what are you? Half and or broken. I know that sounds crazy but think about it. Your wife/husband is sent into your life to COMPLETE you. So think about how many people you've slept've given a piece of your self to each and every last person you have been with sexually, and after so many heartaches and frustrations on as to why you cant keep a woman or a man ...Its simply because have nothing to give them if you continually give your heart and your soul away to people who are not meant for you.

We have to be careful, soul ties are powerful and I myself have struggled with them. The way that the media portrays one night stands, etc is a trick of the enemy. He would like nothing more but to destroy you and keep you away from the man/woman of God that the lord would like to send you. God honors dedication.. he will not allow your spouse to come into your life if he can not trust you with them to be faithful and true to not only them..but to him..

Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Ill use what my father told me in church one Sunday. If you are chasing the lord and putting him FIRST before everything else.. You and your SOUL MATE have no choice but smack heads because if both of you are chasing your purpose and it is in the will of God for you to be together.. then you align when its the season for you to meet. Otherwise the bible says when you are single you MUST mind the things of the lord. God knew who he created you to be with before you were even born. It is our divine destiny to fulfill HIS will. Of course he will always give us a choice, because the lord is a gentleman. My challenge to you all is to think about if you will you settle for the things YOU would like.. or would you rather WAIT and receive the BEST thing for you..that God had predestined you to have before you even realized what love was?

I believe that you honestly cant know what true love is until you understand...the love of Jesus. Jesus IS faithful to us even when we aren't faithful to him and that will NEVER change. He died for the people who put the nails in his hand and stabbed him in the side also.... What a true example of how awesome and loving our savior is to die for the very people who tortured him on Calvary. 

I encourage all of you to fall in love with Jesus, now, before its too late. He'll never leave you, forsake you, lie to you.. and he is a source of comfort even when we are in desperate desire of a comforter. Even if we do find true one can compare to the love of God..... #imgone. 

If you dont know Jesus as your personal savior but would like to just say this prayer out loud and mean it with your whole heart. The lord knows your heart yes, but your actions are a DIRECT result of whats in your heart.

"The Sinners Prayer"..........................
         Heavenly Father:..........................................................................
I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of
my Sins.  I confess with my mouth and believe with my
heart that Jesus is your Son, And that he died on the
Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have
Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Father, I believe
that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you right now
to come in to my life and be my personal Lord and
Savior. I repent of my Sins and will Worship you all the
day's of my Life!. Because your word is truth, I confess
with my mouth that I am Born Again and Cleansed
by the Blood of Jesus!   In Jesus Name, Amen.

That's all that I have. If you said that prayer CONGRATS!!! Welcome to the biggest family on earth!! =) get into that word and study study study. I love you and Jesus loves you if you feel that no one else does. Stay encouraged always..

Follow Christ,
Not Man,
For it is him where you will find peace and comfort. <3

(figure it out...)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The point of it all...[The faith factor]

so.. I know its been a while but Ive been.. Ha.. ummm... going through somethings.
I decided that its time for me to make the nessecary moves on my own =)

So, heres what I have for you all today.

Nobody on this earth has the power to stop you from accomplishing ANYTHING but YOU. What makes us so different from Jay Z or.. Donald trump?Absoultely nothing. Its just the hustle factor. Or in my case and hopefully yours:: The faith factor. Its a dog eat dog kind of world we live in. My theory on it is either move or be moved.  

There is nothing impossible with God. NOTIHNG. because in him there is no flaw no imperfection. God knew this worlds end before he made it. Therefore, if you, being of sound faith trust in your God to deliver you from the snares of the enemy he will do it! God cant lie. So if he promised us in his word to comfort us he will. To make us rich in the kingdom of God he will! The words that God speaks will not return back to him void because he again, is not a man that he should lie. =) Isnt that Awesome???

I decided that all the things that I have been so upset about as of late..DONT MATTER. I wont let the enemy take my joy and I pray and stand with you that you will do the exact same. Just because the enemy(the devil) is a spirit that has no power in the physical realm. He cant touch you. He tries to defeat us with our emotions and our surroundings. Its one big game to him. He knows he's BEEN defeated when our Lord Jesus died for us on that cross! Once we as Christians come down from the spirit realm back into sorrow, or hurt because of a situation we give satan an window. And we all know.. if you give taht sucker an inch he is going to set the whole road on fire. lol.

All in all.. I just desire for you my reader =) (and friend) to be encouraged and go after the God given desires that you have inside your heart. he didnt put them there for them to idle. So the challenge that I set before you as well as myself is.. will we settle for milk or are we truely hungry for the riches and glory that the lord can and will give us with a simple yes? All we have to do is say yes to Gods will and let go of our own agenda. It may be hard.. being 20 and in the world.. but the bible says that we are in the world and not of it...So stand apart let your light shine! there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Besides...

No one on this earth that you try to please can let you into heaven. Only God can judge give God something worth smiling about. Your heart <3 <3 <3

If you desire to live life for Christ read the following prayer out loud and watch the lord move in you life! there is a better life you could be living.. and for those of you that dont even believe in God.. Why not give it a chance? I mean.. really it couldnt hurt to try.... ;)

"The Sinners Prayer"..........................
         Heavenly Father:..........................................................................
I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of
my Sins.  I confess with my mouth and believe with my
heart that Jesus is your Son, And that he died on the
Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have
Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Father, I believe
that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you right now
to come in to my life and be my personal Lord and
Savior. I repent of my Sins and will Worship you all the
day's of my Life!. Because your word is truth, I confess
with my mouth that I am Born Again and Cleansed
by the Blood of Jesus!   In Jesus Name, Amen.

If you said this prayer.. CONGRATS!! WHHHEWWWWW PARTYYYY TIME!!! LOL!! WELCOME INTO THE FAMILY OF GODS CHOSEN ONES!!! EVERYONE LOVES YOU!! get to your local church and dive in that bible, because now the hunger of knowing God will follow!

Peace and Blessings...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Starting Something New

So Ive finally decided to get this blog on the road...
Its been on my heart for sooooo long..

Well let me intro myself
Im Ymani 20 years old and an extreme radical woman of God <3

I got saved when I was 19 and I can say I will never look back.

So! I dont exactly know where this is going to take me every day? but I know that God wouldnt tell me to start this blog for no reason.. So I will take this time to say I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Alot of the times,
I feel like its hard to be so radical about Christ at such a young age, but its so worth it watching people change their hearts and follow him. Ive lost alot of friends and some family for living the way I do..but hey...

"Many are Called, but Few are Chosen"

I have alot of different random things to talk about but I think that it would be best not to scare everyone until later. lol. So this blog will be short and simple until I can actually get a topic to think of to Blog about. I wouldnt hit anyone with my randomness so suddenly.. no one deserves that. =)

Follow Christ,
Not Man,
For it is him where you will find peace and comfort. <3

(figure it out...)